Northumberland Prep League
Northumberland 18u Women's Volleyball Prep League has declared Pictou Invasion as League Champions for its inaugural campaign.
The Invasion completed their regular season with an undefeated record. Due to the Coved 19 restrictions, no play-offs were able to take place. League official have awarded Pictou Invasion with the Prep League Championship Trophy.
The league also announced its Major Award winners:
Top Libero Pictou Invasion Caterina De Meo
Top Hitter Antigonish Stoirm Gaia Calgagno
Top Setter Truro Lynx Alara Earle
Top Server Brookfield Rapids Emily Kelly
Selected for the Prep League All Star Team:
Pictou Invasion Setter Meg Maxner
Pictou Invasion Left side –Sarah Brown
Antigonish Stoirm Libero Maredith Spin
Antigonish Stoirm Setter – Katie Mac Neil
Brookfield Rapids Middle -Erica Fisher
Truro Lynx Right - Clarrisa Passion