Scoresheets / Lineup Cards / Pool Boards
Please use the resources below for your Open Tournaments!
Pool Boards:
4 Team Pool Board
5 Team Pool Board
Playoff Boards:
8 Team Playoff Bracket
16 Team Playoff Braket
Click Here for the Official VNS Scoresheet (Best 2/3)
Click Here for the Official VNS Tripleball Scoresheet (12U & 13U)
Lineup Cards:
Click Here for the Official VNS Line-up Card
Scoresheet Tutorial:
We've created a short video to help take some of the stress out of filling out a scoresheet.
Please Note:
The Tripleball scoresheet is completed similarly to the traditional scoresheet in the video, with the following change:
When an athlete is serving, you will keep track of the Serve-Toss-Toss sequence underneath their number by crossing off the S-T-T as it happens.
This is slightly different than the traditional scoresheet where we would write down the score when they finish serving, as in Tripleball each athlete only serves once before the serve goes to the other team.
Scoresheet Tutorial
