For volleyball players over the age of 18, the majority of programming in Nova Scotia is run by private organizations. There are plenty of tournaments to play in and a variety of leagues to join. Our goal is to help you find the right fit for
. Below is a list of organizations running volleyball leagues and tournaments in Nova Scotia.
Halifax Women’s League (
HWL) started in 1975.
HWL is comprised of 21 teams in
seven tiers. Tier placement changes every week based on that night’s play.
HWL is competitive with former University, club, high school players participating.
HWL Co-Presidents, June Lumsden and Lois Mac Gregor. administer the
League. New players should forward their level of experience, previous teams, position played, and relevant contact information including email and cell, to Lois MacGregor
Matches are held on Monday nights from 7-10:00 pm at five gyms – Mount St. Vincent University Gym, Dalhousie University's Studley Gym, University of Kings College gym, Ecole Sommet, and Sir Robert Borden Junior High.
HWL runs from late September to late March.
HWL utilizes certified officials. Cost varies depending on the number of players a team may carry.